Remember? That time it got registered in name and number? The time and date of entrance to a time and space. A room so bright, screaming, crying. They said push it out! There you go. Let’s get clean. You didn’t know.
It already got sold, and you’re in the game, just not playing yet, cause you thought you just dropped in to exist. Take up breathing space for the laughs and the pain of it? The time and date of entrance to a time and space. Remember? You were made for this? A mood started out to spark, strolling, trolling. They said push it in! There you go. I give you this ring. They didn’t know.
We already sold it love. All of it. So what do you wanna do? Leave or play? You were made to be here. Were inclined to forget, that you are to take on your challenges and never regret.